Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Son of Dr. Maulana Karenga, Who is the Creator of Kwanzaa, Turns Inventor When He Creates the Worlds First Organizer Frontpack - This Changes Everything

Union City, CA December 13, 2006

A revolutionary recreation, business and travel accessory invented by the son of Dr. Maulana Karenga, who is the creator of the African American holiday of Kwanzaa, is vying to create a whole new industry as it now enters the market. Strapak, pronounced "strap pack" is an innovative upper torso frontpack that finally makes it possible for you to easily and conveniently organize, protect and keep all of your important items like a cell phone, cash, credit cards, drivers license, keys and more with you at all times and is the first and only one of its kind. Says one product developer "It&39;s sure to be a huge success. It&39;s so original." (He was given a demonstration of the new invention when Karenga attended one of his seminars on bringing a product to market.)

Strapak is made from durable 1000-D Cordura&174; fabric with water resistant backing and has pockets positioned for carrying items upfront in full view of wearer, for easy access, comfort and security. Strapak is available in the colors black, navy, burgundy and khaki all embroidered with the trademark name surrounded by a gold cartouche which is a symbol that was traditionally used only by the African kings of ancient Egypt known as the Pharaohs. Karenga chose the cartouche because first it ties Strapak to Africa&39;s great legacy of excellence and achievement and second because the cartouche is among other things a symbol of strength and leadership which conveys a message to one who wears it that "Success begins with realizing the leader in you". Strapak can be ordered online at . Strapak, get in the forefront!

Tarik Karenga, son of Dr. Maulana Karenga who is the creator of the African American holiday of Kwanzaa is a professional speaker, inventor and the founder of two companies. He is also the author of "Libation for our Ancestors: A family and communal activity at Kwanzaa" and "The Pharaohs&39; 5 Laws of Success" coming in 2007.

For more information:

Contact Information:
Tarik Karenga
Strapak Inc.
P.O. Box 489
Union City, CA 94587

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