theme party complete with live Celtic music, shamrock cookies, green candy coins, refreshments, prizes and decorations, welcomed customers fly in and out of Nashville.
"We are excited to celebrate 20 years of providing our legendary Customer Service, frequent flights and low fares to our customers Nashville," said Greg Wells, Southwest airline's Senior Vice President of ground operations. "We are committed to the Nashville Community, and we thank our customers for 20 wonderful years. We look forward to more years of growth. "
Southwest Airlines began to the Nashville International Airport on March 18, 1986, with eight daily non-stop leave for two cities, Chicago Midway and Houston Hobby. Nashville was the 24th city in the southwest-to open system. Today, Southwest operates 82 daily non-stop to leave cities, with direct or connecting service with 25 29 additional cities, and since Southwest began service, which was to capture a 45.31% market share, making it number one in the market has grown.
Other notable Nashville statistics:
In the second quarter of 2005 (the latest information of the dot) Southwest transported more than 878,000 customers or to Nashville International Airport.
The last year processed more than 3.1 million customers in the South West Nashville area.
Nashville ranks 11th largest in the Southwest system with 82 daily non-stop flights.
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